Results for 'Robert Stephen Fudge'

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  1.  16
    Religion and Dialogue: Textuality, Rationality and the Re-imagining of the Public Sphere.Stephen B. Roberts - unknown
    Socially and politically significant Muslim communities are posing a challenge to the public spheres of Western Europe: can public reason in a liberal democracy be so conceived as to accommodate the religious reasons of Muslims and other religiously motivated citizens? This question, often discussed from the perspective either of political philosophy or of particular religious traditions, is addressed here instead by drawing on the theory and practice of inter-religious dialogue. The dialogue movement known as ‘scriptural reasoning’ is analysed for its (...)
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    Taming Democracy: Models of Political Rhetoric in Classical Athens (review).Robert Stephen Reid - 1999 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 32 (2):191-195.
  3.  24
    Development of a prototype tool for measuring the context of care in intellectual disability settings in the UK.Kay Mafuba, Stephen Roberts, Nasser Matoorianpour, Maria Cozens & Bob Gates - unknown
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    Digital epidemiology and global health security; an interdisciplinary conversation.Stephen L. Roberts, Henning Füller & Tim Eckmanns - 2019 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 15 (1):1-13.
    Contemporary infectious disease surveillance systems aim to employ the speed and scope of big data in an attempt to provide global health security. Both shifts - the perception of health problems through the framework of global health security and the corresponding technological approaches – imply epistemological changes, methodological ambivalences as well as manifold societal effects. Bringing current findings from social sciences and public health praxis into a dialogue, this conversation style contribution points out several broader implications of changing disease surveillance. (...)
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    Social and Political Ideas of Some Great French Thinkers of the Age of Reason. [REVIEW]Stephen H. Roberts - 1930 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):232.
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    The Social and Political Ideas of the Victorian Age. [REVIEW]Stephen H. Roberts - 1933 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):316.
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    Population Problems of the Pacific.A. J. Saunders & Stephen H. Roberts - 1928 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 48:74.
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    Understanding Pandemic Solidarity: Mutual Support During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Kingdom.Stephanie Johnson, Stephen Roberts, Sarah Hayes, Amelia Fiske, Federica Lucivero, Stuart McLennan, Amicia Phillips, Gabrielle Samuel & Barbara Prainsack - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):245-260.
    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of solidarity has been invoked frequently. Much interest has centred around how citizens and communities support one another during times of uncertainty. Yet, empirical research which accounts and understands citizen’s views on pandemic solidarity, or their actual practices has remained limited. Drawing upon the analysis of data from 35 qualitative interviews, this article investigates how residents in England and Scotland enacted, understood, or criticised (the lack of) solidarity during the first national lockdown in the (...)
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  9.  28
    fNIRS Feature Importance for Attentional State Prediction.Angela Harrivel, Robert Milletich, Chad Stephens, Christina Heinich, Nicholas Napoli, Mary Carolyn Last & Alan Pope - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  10.  8
    Nonverbal Behavior in Clinical Settings.Pierre Philippot, Robert Stephen Feldman & Erik J. Coats (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume presents, in an integrated framework, contemporary perspectives on the role of nonverbal behavior in psychological regulation, adaptation, and psychopathology, and includes both empirical and theoretical research that is central to our understanding of the reciprocal influences between nonverbal behavior, psychopathology, and therapeutic processes. It has several objectives: One is to present fundamental theories and data relevant to researchers and clinicians working in such fields as psychopathology and psychotherapy. Another objective is to link contributions of basic research to clinical (...)
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    Political speeches and journalism (1923-1929).Miguel de Unamuno & Stephen G. H. Roberts - 1996 - Exeter Hispanic Texts.
    This book reprints a wide variety of articles and speeches for the first time since they appeared in Spanish and foreign journals and in clandestine broadsheets from France. Some censored material has been restored.
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  12.  86
    The Art Type Theory of Art.Robert S. Fudge - 2015 - Philosophical Papers 44 (3):321-343.
    The theory I present and defend in this paper—what I term the art type theory— holds that something is a work of art iff it belongs to an established art type. Something is an established art type, in turn, either because its paradigmatic instances standardly satisfy eight art-making conditions, or because the art world has seen fit to enfranchise it as such. It follows that the art status of certain objects is independent of what any individual or culture might say (...)
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  13.  63
    A Dialogic Approach to Introducing Informal Fallacies.Robert S. Fudge - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (4):371-377.
    In critical thinking courses, informal fallacies are often best taught through using myriad examples that illustrate the subtle differences between the different fallacies. However, since a heavy reliance can become tedious for students and instructors, one challenge that teaching a critical thinking course involves is striking an appropriate balance between presenting too many and too few examples. This paper presents a way to introduce informal fallacies through an acted-out dialogue, while reserving more traditional examples for homework or in-class discussion.
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  14.  39
    On Harwood's plural voting system.Robert Fudge & Carol Quinn - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (4):500–504.
  15.  50
    Problems with contextualizing aesthetic properties.Robert Fudge - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1):67-70.
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  16. Sympathy, Beauty, and Sentiment: Adam Smith's Aesthetic Morality.Robert Fudge - 2009 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 7 (2):133-146.
    One of the more striking aspects of Adam Smith's moral theory is the degree to which it depends on and appeals to aesthetic norms. By considering what Smith says about judgments of propriety – the foundational type of judgment in his system – and by tying what he says in The Theory of Moral Sentiments to certain of his other writings, I argue that Smith ultimately defends an aesthetic morality. Among the challenges that any aesthetic morality faces is that it (...)
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  17.  58
    New Essays on Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy, Wade L. Robison, David B. Suits.Robert Fudge - 2013 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):145-149.
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  18.  74
    A Vindication of Strong Aesthetic Supervenience.Robert Fudge - 2005 - Philosophical Papers 34 (2):149-171.
    Abstract Disagreement persists concerning whether aesthetic properties supervene on non-aesthetic properties. This issue is complicated by the fact that the notion of an aesthetic property is itself contentious. In this paper, I begin by identifying three conditions that arguably characterize a large number of aesthetic properties. After defending aesthetic supervenience against a number of objections, I argue that a strong version of the supervenience thesis applies to those properties that satisfy my initial conditions.
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  19. See I am doing a new thing: The 2009 survey of catholic religious institutes in Australia.Robert Dixon, Stephen Reid & Noel Connolly - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (3):271.
    Dixon, Robert; Reid, Stephen; Connolly, Noel Since the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference established a pastoral research capability in 1996, a great deal of research has been carried out on various aspects of the Catholic community in Australia. This research has been carried out either directly by the Bishops Conference's research staff, or in association with other bodies such as NCLS Research, the Christian Research Association, Australian Catholic University and, most recently, Catholic Religious Australia.
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  20.  64
    Imagination and the science-based aesthetic appreciation of unscenic nature.Robert S. Fudge - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (3):275–285.
  21.  35
    Aesthetic Consolation in an Age of Extinction.Robert S. Fudge - 2021 - Philosophical Papers 50 (1-2):141-162.
    In light of the environmental pressure humans are currently placing on the biosphere, there is overwhelming evidence to think that we have entered the early stages of a major extinction event. Inde...
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    A Brush with the Spur: Robert Joe Cutter on the Chinese CockfightThe Brush and the Spur: Chinese Culture and the Cockfight.Stephen R. Bokenkamp & Robert Joe Cutter - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):444.
  23. Responses to 'in defense of relativism'.Robert Ackermann, Brian Baigrie, Harold I. Brown, Michael Cavanaugh, Paul Fox-Strangways, Gonzalo Munevar, Stephen David Ross, Philip Pettit, Paul Roth, Frederick Schmitt, Stephen Turner & Charles Wallis - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (3):227 – 261.
  24.  15
    Lick rates in hamsters.Stephen C. Pierson & Robert W. Schaeffer - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):391-392.
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    Shock-elicited aggression as a function of shock modality.Stephen F. Davis, James L. Tramill, James W. Voorhees, Mary Nell Mollenhour & Robert E. Prytula - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):145-147.
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    Identifying Objective EEG Based Markers of Linear Vection in Depth.Stephen Palmisano, Robert J. Barry, Frances M. De Blasio & Jack S. Fogarty - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    De la convivance.Stephen Light & Robert Maggiori - 1989 - Substance 18 (1):102.
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  28.  8
    Social philosophy: from Plato to Che.Robert Elias Abu Shanab & Stephen P. Halbrook (eds.) - 1972 - Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co..
    Plato. The republic.--Aristotle. Politics.--Cicero, M. T. On the commonwealth.--John of Salisbury. The prince versus the tyrant.--Machiavelli, N. The prince and the people.--Hobbes, T. The state of nature and the Leviathan.--Locke, J. The right of revolution.--Marx, K. and Engels, F. Bourgeois and proletarians.--Bakunin, M. A. The Paris Commune and the idea of the state.--Mill, J. S. On liberty.--Lenin, V. I. Marxism and the withering away of the state.--Hitler, A. Race and the folkish state.--Mao Tse-tung. From the masses, to the masses.--Che Guevara, (...)
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    The effects of preexperimental diet upon reward magnitude effects.Robert E. Prytula, Stephen F. Davis & James W. Voorhees - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):117-119.
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    The consumption of saccharin and glucose solutions by mongolian gerbils.Stephen C. Pierson, Robert W. Schaeffer & Glen D. King - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):389-391.
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  31. Identification and prioritization of expert systems application topics for nuclear power plants.Stephen A. Trovato, Fehmi Aydin, Ronald C. Antinoja, Narayanan Subramanyan & Robert A. Touchton - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  32.  71
    The medical record as legal document: When can the patient dictate the content? An ethics case from the Department of Neurology.Robert Accordino, Nicholas Kopple-Perry, Nada Gligorov & Stephen Krieger - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (1):53-56.
    Confidentiality of health information is increasingly relevant in the era of electronic medical records. We discuss the case of a hospitalized patient who requested a neurology consultation for an episode he described as an “LSD-like” (Lysergic acid diethylamide) flashback. The patient expressed concern that the episode was a residual effect of past drug use, but subsequently requested that his drug use not be documented. Involved in a custody battle, he feared that if his records were released to the court he (...)
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    Effects of pretask frequency and conjunctive rule information on concept identification.Stephen B. Walters, Stephen W. Schmidt, Robert Bornstein & Raymond M. White - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):351.
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  34. Book reviews-demons lovers. Witchcraft, sex, and the crisis of belief.Walter Stephens & Robert Jutte - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):525-525.
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    Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education.Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
    We start with a simple question: If you could reinvent higher education for the 21st century, what should it look like? We began by taking a hard look at problems in traditional higher education, and innovated in many ways to address these problems head-on: We have created a new curriculum, focusing on what we call "practical knowledge"; we have developed new pedagogy, based on the science of learning; we have used technology in novel ways, to deliver small seminars in real (...)
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  36.  43
    Discussion.Robert Fudge & Marcia Muelder Eaton - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (1):67–71.
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    The Beautiful and the Good: Introduction.Robert Fudge - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (1):1-4.
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    What genetic research on intelligence tells us about the environment.Robert Plomin, Stephen A. Petrill & Alexandra L. Cutting - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (4):587-606.
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    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.Stephen D. Brown, Robert J. Francis, Jonathan Rose & Zvonko G. Vranesic - 2012 - Springer.
    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as an attractive means of implementing logic circuits, providing instant manufacturing turnaround and negligible prototype costs. They hold the promise of replacing much of the VLSI market now held by mask-programmed gate arrays. FPGAs offer an affordable solution for customized VLSI, over a wide variety of applications, and have also opened up new possibilities in designing reconfigurable digital systems. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays discusses the most important aspects of FPGAs in a textbook manner. It provides (...)
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  40.  22
    Donor odor: The presence or absence as a mediator of behavior in the runway-trained rat.Robert E. Prytula, Stephen F. Davis & John Fite - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):137-140.
  41.  41
    Efficacy of the Aussie Optimism Program: Promoting Pro-social Behavior and Preventing Suicidality in Primary School Students. A Randomised-Controlled Trial.Clare M. Roberts, Robert T. Kane, Rosanna M. Rooney, Yolanda Pintabona, Natalie Baughman, Sharinaz Hassan, Donna Cross, Stephen R. Zubrick & Sven R. Silburn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Contrafreeloading as a function of early environmental rearing conditions.Stephen F. Davis, Barbara G. Beighley, John S. Libretto, Mary Nell Mollenhour & Robert E. Prytula - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):595-597.
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    Radical Critiques of the Law.Stephen M. Griffin & Robert C. L. Moffat - 1997 - Amintaphil.
    The past two decades have seen an outpouring of work in legal theory that is self-consciously critical of aspects of American law and the institutions of the liberal state. In this lively volume, eminent scholars in philosophy, law, and political science respond to this recent scholarship by exploring what constitutes a "radical" critique of the law, examining such theories as critical legal studies, feminist theory and theories of "difference," and critical race theory. The authors consider whether the critiques advanced in (...)
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  44. Alice Dreger and Bruce Wilson reply.Robert H. Binstock, Eric T. Juengst, Maxwell J. Mehlman & Stephen G. Post - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  45. Index of volume 79, 2001.Stephen Buckle, Miracles Marvels, Mundane Order, Temporal Solipsism, Robert Kirk, Nonreductive Physicalism, Strict Implication, Donald Mertz Individuation, Instance Ontology & Dale E. Miller - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4):594-596.
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    Odor-mediated double-alternation responding: A multiple-baseline reversal demonstration.Robert E. Prytula, Sharon M. Lawler & Stephen F. Davis - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):181-184.
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    Transfer of single- and double-alternation patterning as a function of odor cues.Robert E. Prytula, Stephen F. Davis, Dayle D. Allen & R. Clay Taylor - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):131-134.
  48.  14
    Commencement of the Legal Year Drinks Reception.Andy Roberts, John Nicholl, Stephen Bourke & Margery Nicoll - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Improving Laws and Legal Authorities for Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness.Robert M. Pestronk, Brian Kamoie, David Fidler, Gene Matthews, Georges C. Benjamin, Ralph T. Bryan, Socrates H. Tuch, Richard Gottfried, Jonathan E. Fielding, Fran Schmitz & Stephen Redd - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (s1):47-51.
    This paper is one of the four interrelated action agenda papers resulting from the National Summit on Public Health Legal Preparedness convened in June 2007 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and multi-disciplinary partners. Each of the action agenda papers deals with one of the four core elements of legal preparedness: laws and legal authorities; competency in using those laws; coordination of law-based public health actions; and information. Options presented in this paper are for consideration by policymakers and (...)
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    Books in review.Stephen Skousgaard, Shanta Ratnayaka, John J. Buckley, Robert Greenwood, Richard Hogan & Robert S. McGinnis - 1979 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1-3):199-205.
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